Migration & Porting
With the rapid advancements in technology, most of the organizations are bound to deal with the applications that become out of date. QBooks offers the best software re-engineering services in India along with migration and porting to allow your software gain broader access to the platform. Our software upgradation services will help you enhance the functionality, user experience and migration database to the newer and higher order technologies.
At QBooks, we can help companies migrate/port their software between many platforms and toolkits including:
- Windows to Linux
- SCO UNIX to Linux
- UNIX to Windows
- Motif to Windows MFC
- Motif to Java
- Motif to Qt
- Windows to Java
- Java AWT to Java Swing
- Java to Windows
- J2ME to BREW
- BREW to J2ME
- Visual Basic (VB) to .NET
- Microsoft Access to Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Whether you are porting from one flavor of UNIX to another, migrating to an entirely new platform or migrating between GUI toolkits QBooks has the specialized skills and a range of custom tools to provide a complete migration service.
In addition we provide Mobile Porting & QA solutions for publishers, developers and operators worldwide. We can help publishers and developers to port JAVA & BREW applications and games to a wide range of smart devices and phones in a very timely and cost effective way.
Our approach to porting and migration does not focus solely on converting your application to run in a new environment. Through extensive experience we have developed techniques and tools that also ensure the reliability and integrity of your application are maintained through the migration process. We also take into consideration the constant changes in technology by adopting a strategy designed to increase the portability of your application to future platforms and toolkits.
Why Choose QBooks Solutions !
QBooks is a global IT services company specialized in digital transformation for enterprises and product development for ISVs. It has deep expertise and profound experience in the modern technologies such as cloud computing, enterprise mobility, big data, and enterprise collaboration.
In its heart and soul, QBooks is a software service provider, with the unrelenting focus on small-team offshore software development using Agile methods for distributed teams, all amid a unique diversified progress culture.

Develop Your Product In Your Image
Develop your dream product with QBooks with
proper configuration.

Our experts will address your product requirements with complete functionality description for better understanding.

Experts develop your project based on your needs to implement them in the real world.

Appropriate testing has to be done after successful development of the project, by other different end users for solving the bugs.

Maintain your product with the latest upgrades according to your customer needs.